在 Netscape 中使用 cookies 有以下的限制: 1. cookies.txt 檔案內最多可有 300 個 cookies。 2. 每個 cookie 最大是 4 KB。 3. 每個網站最多能設定 20 個 cookies。 http://search.hotwired.com/webmonkey/?query=Cookie _________________________________________________ source from http://www.15seconds.com/faq/Cookies/388.htm Q: How big is a cookie? How much space can cookies use? A: According to the draft specification issued by Netscape Communications, the limits regarding the size of cookie and space occupied by all cookies is: 4 KB per cookie maximum 300 total cookies, for a total of 1.2 Mbytes maximum 20 cookies accepted from a particular server or domain