10 Things I Learned at Mobile 2.0
10 Things I Learned at Mobile 2.0
1. Mobile 2.0 = The Web
2. The mobile web browser is the next killer app (Mozilla Minimo)
3. Mobile Web Applications are the future
4. AJAX is the next frontier
5. Javascript kills battery life
6. The Mobile User Experience Sucks/Rules/Is Hot!
7. Mobile Widgets are the next big thing
8. The Carrier is the new "C" word
9. People abuse the Podium
10. We are creators not consumers
==== april's note=====
其實 10 Things I Learned at Mobile 2.0 已經出現很久、去 google 找找就會發現到處都是。
其中 AJAX 已在 web 2.0 佔據重要角色,而 google、yahoo已開始發展好用的手機 java API如 gmail、google map、Yahoo!GO, opera、ucweb 也相繼提供好用瀏覽器。
看了很多mobile service 發現自己很汗顏,原來mobile世界已經戰國時代百家爭鳴很久了。
1. Mobile 2.0 = The Web
2. The mobile web browser is the next killer app (Mozilla Minimo)
3. Mobile Web Applications are the future
4. AJAX is the next frontier
5. Javascript kills battery life
6. The Mobile User Experience Sucks/Rules/Is Hot!
7. Mobile Widgets are the next big thing
8. The Carrier is the new "C" word
9. People abuse the Podium
10. We are creators not consumers
==== april's note=====
其實 10 Things I Learned at Mobile 2.0 已經出現很久、去 google 找找就會發現到處都是。
其中 AJAX 已在 web 2.0 佔據重要角色,而 google、yahoo已開始發展好用的手機 java API如 gmail、google map、Yahoo!GO, opera、ucweb 也相繼提供好用瀏覽器。
看了很多mobile service 發現自己很汗顏,原來mobile世界已經戰國時代百家爭鳴很久了。